Growing up in our District, it is hard to overstate the influence that our local beaches have on the cultural and economic heart of our coastal communities. A great part of our identity comes from the memories and time we spent in our summers at Duxbury Beach. It goes without saying that access and culture have been under new challenges in recent years. We must be able to protect that access while also following applicable ecological law.
1. I commit to advocating for beach access and sticker holders. Much discontent is over the value of a sticker that largely cannot be used for the most desirable parts of the year.
2. Removing regulation around Least Terns, which is NOT an endangered bird. There must be solutions to protecting the birds where possible without negatively hurting the beach goers over sand access. Least Terns are not an endangered species or federally protected. This is a high priority item to rectify immediately once representing our coastal communities in the Legislature. The state biologist must be required to work with key stake holders and a holistic approach to this issue, including economic impact must be taken into consideration.