The out-of-touch MBTA law infringes on our communities' rights to determine our housing policy. While there is undoubtedly a need for improved and affordable housing opportunities, mandates like this legislation don't accomplish this goal. I stand with the communities across the Commonwealth, especially those in the district who have stood up against the State Government's overreach.
Protect Community Character and Local Resources
Stand against the MBTA zoning law to preserve the unique character of our towns and prevent the additional strain on our already stretched resources, including roads, schools, water infrastructure, and emergency services.
Fiscal Responsibility and Support for Residents
Advocate for budgetary policies that prioritize the needs of local residents over increasing bureaucratic expenditures and support for undocumented immigrants. Work to reverse budget cuts that harm essential local services, such as fire departments and town aid.
True Local Representation and Resistance to State Overreach
Serve as a strong voice on Beacon Hill to resist overreach from out-of-touch politicians and ensure that the state government represents the interests of local communities rather than imposing harmful policies and dangling grant money to force compliance.
While not tied to the MBTA law, inept state bureacracts also threaten our local access to the Duxbury beach. I will also advocate for Duxbury Beach access and support for sticker holders by addressing unnecessary regulations on non-endangered species like Least Terns. Ensure ecological laws are balanced with the cultural and economic needs of our coastal communities.